Monday, September 24, 2007

of weekends and such

This blog entry is in honor of the internet connection which has just decided to start working again on my computer. I haven't been able to check my email on my computer since Thursday, and I've been quite deprived. :P

I enjoyed a visit from my mom and both my grandmas this weekend! We spent a lot of good time talking, walking around campus, etc. That was fun. My homesickness is subsiding, which is really wonderful. I feel like I'm finally adjusting to college life, and fitting into the student body, both which help make me feel less like an alien in Dubuque, IA. So, yeah.

Wanna know how to ensure a quick shower? Forget to wear appropriate footwear for the shower stalls. I nearly didn't make it last night without my flipflops. I think the Lord is teaching me to be tough when it comes to other people's germs - probably I'll look back from an African hut someday and laugh at my fastidiousness. Mostly, I'm just lazy - I could've just run back to my room and switched flipflops. :P Anyway, that was very random...

My first OT Survey exam is next week. I'm not really sure what to expect. There's a lot to memorize on the study sheets Dr. Van Dine gave us. It's next Wednesday. I'd really value prayers as I study for it, and help some of the younger girls who are hoping I can help them study. :)

One of these days you'll get to read a spiritual post - about some of the things I'm learning about discipleship. But right now I'd better get back to homework.

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