I just finished cleaning and organizing my room. I think this is the first time it's been absolutely, completely organized since I initially moved in. I finally have my folders/binders/papers straightened out, my miscellaneous papers all filed away, and my foodstuff organized in an appropriate manner in my rubbermaid containers beneath my bed. All my fall decorations are out, my rugs have been shaken out, my floor swept, my sink washed, my trash emptied.
It's 4:00 p.m. and the only thing besides supper that I have on my schedule this evening is a phone call to one or two of my best friends. Do you have any idea what that means? Tons of homework can be accomplished without any stress or pressure. I have completed my first book review (first of three for the class) for Biblical Discipleship, and I got my first essay quiz paper back from CLBS...with a big 100% and the words "Excellent job!" written on it. Whoop! Whoop! :happy bounce: I am very happy right now. :)
Did you ever think of obeying God in connection with enjoying Him? How is that possible? Isn't obedience a duty? My teacher Mr. Sanchez talked with us this morning about how when we obey we are making it possible for ourselves to enjoy God more, because disobedience hinders our enjoyment of Him. So while our motives for obedience are generally #1 - because God says we're supposed to and #2 - because it's just the right thing to do, we should also have a third motive - for the joy that it will bring us.
Hebrews says of Jesus, "who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross..." That joy was the glory that He would recieve from the Father when He returned to heaven. If Jesus obeyed for the joy, we should, too! I think that's so cool.
Have a wonderful week!
I am very impressed. Are you available to come organize my place?
Your comments on obedience and joy are very good. Sounds like a great class!
Joyful obedience! May we too do all things that please the Father even as the Savior did. What joy!
Is it politically correct to ask whether the number of forum posts on HSA by yourself on said evening had any relevance to how much of "tons of homework" got done? ;p [Ahem. I guess *someone else* was browsing said forums on said evening, too.]
Glad you had an evening off. Rest is important for the long haul!
We're praying for you.
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