Saturday, October 6, 2007


Someone once told me that Old Navy flipflops lasted forever. I guess they were lying. This evening at supper, my left green flipflop decided to break. That's means I'll have to buy a new pair of flipflops to shower in. Buy a pair of flipflops in October? :rolls eyes:

I love it when we have pasta for a meal at school. It's the only time I get seconds on food in the cafeteria. We had baked ziti and garlic bread tonight. Yum.

Here at school there is a group called The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Mr. Leverentz, one of the teachers, holds it, and he teaches the guys who want to be a part of it how to be gentlemen. They learn proper etiquette rules. So now when a girl sits down with any of these guys, they stand up, or pull out her chair for her. They also run to open doors or offer to carry her stuff. It's quite fun. :D

This Sunday is worldwide "Pray for Jerusalem" day. We(those of us with SMF) are planning to spend some time Sunday afternoon praying for Jerusalem and for the nation of Israel. Pray with us, and pray that many students will come join us. There are four of us in SMF who are the core prayer group - Caleb, Tom, Emily and I. We at least meet every Thursday afternoon to pray, and sometimes(usually) there are others, a few at least.

The Lord has really given the four of us a passion to pray for revival in this school - to see the Lord change our hearts in a big way - to see the whole school praying and worshipping and even crying together, burdened to serve the Lord. It's so cool to pray together. Emily and I meet every day to pray. God has really been stirring our hearts for the student body. It's so encouraging. I want my heart to be soft, kind - not judgmental, encouraging - not critical. I want to be a blessing to even the people I have a hard time being around.

So pray with us!


Melissa Gail said...

Hi LIZ!!! I am joining this new world of blogging and got so excited when I found you on here! *By the way, I can relate to your Old Navy experience...they don't last forever! ; )

Miss you and can't wait to laugh/pray/talk to you in person!

lis said...

Cool! I was in the studio audience in Jerusalem during that prayer time...neat to hear about somebody across the world, praying too!