Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's's school...what more can I say?

Wow, so, it's been quite a while since I blogged. I have a perfectly legitimate excuse for that: MIDTERMS. :) But now those blessed things are over for me and I can back to normal life (laughs under her breath "normal?")

So, how about come categories?

Fun things I've done lately:
- Had a visit from my brother and sisters - yay!
- Went to a birthday dinner at Dean Glock's house a month before my birthday
- Played basketball for an hour when my sibs were here with two good friends
- Led a study group of about 15 people for Survey of Doctrine...which got crazy (crazy fun :))

- Ate a random coconut-filled chocolate that I found in my mailbox from a mystery giver
- Got a friend to read one of my favorite books and had a good time discussing it with him
- Went ice skating...started learning to be adventurous :)
- Cleaned five classrooms with a seven-year-old boy as my sidekick
- Let a brother carry my heavy laundry basket up to the third floor from the basement for me
- Went out to eat with a random collection of fellow students at Olive Garden (if you don't have money, you can always make friends with girls whose spiritual gift is giving :) JUST KIDDING!)

Random things that happened in Chicago:
- Went up 94 stories crammed in a little elevator with 8 friends in about one minute to the top of the Hancock building

- Took pictures of friends taking pictures...lots of them
- Experienced a singing chef in a Hershey's chocolate store
- Walked into Ghiredelli's chocolate store to get free chocolate, then turned around and walked back out again

- Waited for two hours to eat real Chicago pizza
- Ate real Chicago pizza
- Got misdirected and asked for directions in a snazzy Starbucks
- Took goofy pictures at this giant mirror ball...acting like kids
- Chased a trolley - literally running across the park toward the road yelling for the trolley to stop, only to find that it was the wrong trolley line
- Asked for directions of a guy who wouldn't tell us unless we gave him money...which rather stunned the country folk in our group
- Walked/ran 19 blocks back to the bus stop in a time crunch, getting there in about 30 minutes, collapsing with relief on the bus
- Watched Princess Bride on the way back and laughed till our sides hurt

How college life has changed me:
- I can now shower without complaining in bare feet in a public shower
- I no longer gripe when people take my laundry out of the dryer - I even do it to people
- I wear mis-matched clothes on Wednesdays sometimes
- I wear slippers around in public after class hours
- I'm no longer just proficient at house cleaning...I can now handle classroom cleaning
- I play in piles of leaves and talk to squirrels

What I'm learning:
- To not go by first impressions
- To quit judging people for every little thing they do
- That it's okay to forget people's names and ask them again
- That sometimes the people you're closest to can get along well and enjoy spending time with people you really don't get along with well, and that it's okay
- To keep my mouth shut
- To pray spontaneously with brothers and sisters, even on the way home from Wednesday night meeting
- That you can learn a lot about people from editing their papers
- That all people go a lot deeper than they first appear to
- That the Lord is with me as much when I'm taking a test as when I'm in a prayer meeting


Anne/Ana/Anita/AnĂ­ said...

Good to hear about your wildly exciting life! I miss you :(

Oh, and drunk elephants?! What?!

Anonymous said...


Love you. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot my name.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear (and see ;) ) things are going well!
