Thursday, June 17, 2010

Experiences of the week

Seeing my cousin get married. It was like watching a dream come true. LOVED it! :)

Spending 17 hours in the car with Leah C. She totally smashed me in every car game we played...Would you Rather, I Have Never, Count the Yellow Cars, etc. But we had a wonderful time.

Learning about how the World Cup works through the eyes of a South Korean woman. That was fun. I know nothing about soccer, so I liked learning about it. Pray for this lady, if you would. She is so, SO sweet and has been super encouraging to me. I would love to talk with her about spiritual things.

Watching a Little League baseball game and "dancing" (more like bouncing) at an outdoor concert in the park with Ceddy. Watching the kiddo is a highlight of my week. He's getting used to me, too! He didn't even cry this time. :D

Discovering a Christian coffee shop called "Solid Grounds" that is close-by here. It's a really nice sized one with even an outdoor balcony with flower boxes and umbrellas and everything. Great atmosphere. Now if I just had money to spend on coffee... :)

Being reminded that a "happy life" is not something I am entitled to. I don't deserve anything good...and everything good and happy I have and experience is from God's grace. When you forget that, you start being afraid of God's plan for you, because you forget that He is good even when He sends the hard things. It is good to be humbled and reminded of that.
Daniel 9.

Being told "You work harder than most Mexicans I know" by a Mexican American. :) Landscaping is good but it's hard, HARD work. Thankfully my hours have been reduced and I'm just doing mornings.

Feeling stir-crazy in the city for the first time this summer. I tried to go to Starbucks to study last night around 10 o'clock, but everything was closed...I ended up just driving around for like 20 minutes, and it felt oh, so good to get out of the house. Admittedly, I cried for a while, for Kansas and for the stars and for breathing room, but I survived. :)

Feeling excited and accomplished because my evening class is understanding the progressive tense ("I am working" vs. "I work."). We used Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss. It was amazingly helpful. :D God is good. I'm learning that I'm just as dependent on Him in my English teaching as I am in my Bible teaching. It's a good thing to learn. And there's nothing quite like seeing the light that says "I understand!" in your students' eyes. :)


Rita said...

sounds great, Liz. Yes, I imagine the present progressive tense would be a tricky concept to learn. It seems like you're doing a wonderful job as a teacher.

Isn't cool how God can put all of our talents (including English grammar) and even weaknesses to use when we give them to Him?!

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