"Be still and know that I am God."
The Lord has been laying this principle on my mind over and over again in the past few weeks. Stillness. WHAT?
With this project on my mind and that relationship between those two friends and my friendship with this person and those people at church that I long to be helping out more but just don't have the time, and those kids I want to hang out with because I want to just love on them, and that floor hockey game I promised those freshmen I would watch, and that place to go observe ESL teaching at, and that person I promised to call and that person I need to write and that note I meant to leave in a fellow classmate's box, and being sick, and meeting to pray with others, and organizing Student Missionary Fellowship things, and encouraging that teacher, and printing off that assignment, and getting my jump drive back from that person, and tutoring this person in English comp, and having brunch with this freshman because I want to get to know her, and...and...and... that's not half the list, either.
Stillness?! Are you inSANE, God??
And so He answers... "Yes, child. Be still. Remember I am God. Remember that in eternity, all of this will be a dream and all that really will have mattered is how you glorified me. Remember that Jesus is THE priority in your life, not just one of them. You can rest because I've got everything under control."
So, if you're praying, please pray that I will rest in Him. He is my refuge and strength. Please pray that I will get everything done and not kill myself. I'm fighting a bad cough and even after a doctor visit and a dose of antibiotics I'm still sick and that kind of concerns me. Please pray that I will not stress out because I don't have enough hours in the day (and I truly mean that literally) to serve all of the people who need to be served in my life. :) I have to trust that the Lord will show me what are the most important things He wants me to do. So, yeah.
Here are some pictures from a picnic on Sunday. My friend Nathan is staying in Dubuque for a month while doing a rotation here for his medical training. We went on a picnic with two of my best friends from school, Naomi and Victor. Talk about the prettiest place in the city to have a picnic!! We had such a lovely time. I completely forgot about everything on my mind except these three precious friends and that was truly restful. Even if I only got 20 minutes of homework done that afternoon. :)
Notice the character coming out in this picture. Nathan is being some sort of "Caesar" I believe, eating his dainties. Victor is being his random self. Naomi is getting ready to throw a piece of popcorn at Nathan for his ridiculousness.
Yes, that is Dubuque in the background. I like it much better from up there above the city. :)
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