Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I always wondered what a lazy summer looked like....

...and I'm still wondering. :)

Apparently, it's not the normal thing to nap on the grass beneath trees at the park nowadays. At least, not in Pratt, anyway. That would account for the reason that nice policeman interrupted mine on Monday. I had just gotten comfortable, with few or no ants crawling up my arm and the poking sticks in my side were starting to fade out of my consciousness when I heard a faint "Are you okay?" I smiled dreamily and mumbled "Mhm," to myself. Then, louder, "Are you okay, miss?" Jerked awake I hastily sat up. "Um, yeah, um, I was just taking a nap. Sister's in the car. I'm fine." I blinked hastily and wondered foggily if there were leaves in my hair or why he was looking at me so strangely. "Well, alright then. I was just driving by and wanted to make sure." He left. So did I. I must admit I wonder if he felt even the slightest pang of guilt for waking a poor sleeping girl out of her lovely nap in the sunshine. At least he asked me before he tried to give me CPR or something.

Anyway...I'm sorry it's been so long since I blogged. I wonder if I still have any blog readers. :) My summer has officially begun and I am officially wiped out already. The first couple of weeks after arriving home were lovely - restful, with some work tucked in there. Lots of time for Bible reading, praying, napping, et cetera. Marvelous.

Then something whammed me from behind and I got sick with the flu and have had ridiculous symptoms one after another since then. It's been two weeks since I felt physically like myself and the same amount of time since I've eaten a normal meal and enjoyed it completely. It seemed like I had strep throat so I called the doctor and he called in a prescription of antibotics for me without seeing me. Those took care of my symptoms but knocked me out with a whole series of other problems - side effects to the medicine. Now I'm not feeling sick, but I'm completely drained of anything they call energy and I still have no appetite. So, yeah...that's way more than you wanted to know about my last couple of weeks. :)

While all this has been going on, though, my sis Rebekah and I started our summer classes at Pratt Community College. We're taking speech and microbiology. I'm enjoying speech. We've already given 3, have another tomorrow and had our first test today - busy, busy! Microbiology is not the most exciting class, but I will say that I've learned more about evolution in the pas two classes by hearing it than I ever learned by reading about it in any textbook. Today I pulled out my Bible (being a good Bible college student I find that I can't go to class even here without bringing my Bible :) and read Psalm 95 to refresh myself: "The Lord our God is a great God." He isn't just a part of history - He created history. I'm glad to know that. I'm glad my Savior designed me, and that my cells didn't just design themselves. :)

So, that about catches you up on my life this summer. Thanks for reading. Rejoice in the Lord today! He is our only true strength and joy.


Anonymous said...

Sounds busy, Liz! Sorry you've not been well. I will be praying for you!! Love you!!

Tim S. said...

:snicker: remind me never to fall asleep at a park :P

Ahh!! We still need to talk talk talk!

Praying you through your classes.
Have a great week!