Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Night before Spring Break

Normally, I don't advise dropping your cell phone in a pan of beige paint, even if it does clean up pretty well and still works afterwards.

Yes, we're leaving for our Peru trip in exactly 26 hours, Lord willing, and I was painting this evening. After class, at 9, I walked into the coffee shop and Randy (our crazy maintenance guy) was in there, showing off his bandaged finger and telling me that it was my fault that he cut his finger because I haven't been helping him paint over in the Smith Hall business offices. Poor guy, he's gone two nights without sleep, being on snow crew and most likely, he hasn't been home at all in that time, either. He's trying to get some remodeling done, too, on top of 80+ hour work weeks, mostly on snow removal crews at school and around the city. No one can accuse me of not being spontaneous. I was "moved with compassion" and joined him painting for an hour. That made him happy. :)

Yep, 26 hours. Tonight I finished my big TESOL country paper and gave it to a friend to look at for me, so it will be handed in tomorrow at class, Lord willing. Praise the Lord! What a relief. It is about the dynamics of teaching English in Latin America, specifically, Chile. It's 6 pages long and has 2 pages of works cited. :shock: What a relif to have it done. I've spent probably 20 hours on it over the past three weeks. I have no idea if that's overly long for a paper or not, but it's a lot to learn about Chile. I wrote to 4 missionaries in Chile and all of them wrote me back! What a blessing!

Tomorrow I'll post an itinerary and some specific prayer requests, and then you probably won't be hearing from me until March 8. Ah! 26 hours...


lizzykristine said...

Have a great trip! We're praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Buenos dias senorita,
we're praying too!
(aka your cuz)