Monday, May 18, 2009

Lovely Summer

Here I am again, blogging. I know, it has been ages. Truthfully, it has been a long time since I've felt like writing. I just haven't been up to it, so I haven't written. But summer is here now, and I'm planning on resting a lot, even though I'm working full time. Trust me, mowing a cemetery 8 hours a day is resting compared to sitting in a classroom for 21 months in a row (two years at Emmaus with a summer of classes in between). Yes, I am working for the city of Pratt, keeping up the cemetery there, mowing, trimming, etc. The Lord so graciously provided this job for me and I feel very thankful. It pays minimum wage, but 40 hour weeks even at minimum wage adds up. There are a few things I'm hoping to be able to buy after I pay off this year's school bill (although that bill is very small indeed, since the Lord has provided so amazingly for me), like a laptop battery (Delton - his name - has needed a battery for at least 7 months or so), a nice-ish camera (my old one bit the dust), new glasses. Then hopefully I can make some advance payments for next year, but we'll see where the Lord directs me to use the money.
Where was I? Oh, yes, mowing. So I'm doing lots of it, and enjoying it so far. The hours are long, but I'm so thankful for the job and I enjoy the time alone with the Lord, so it is good. I'm quite sunburnt and my hair is turning red again, which makes me happy. I feel quite pale and sickly being inside all year at school. :)
I'm also planning to go to camp for the first two weeks of June. First, I'm counseling at Sooner Bible Camp, Lord wiling, then speaking at Kansas Bible Camp, for the grade school girls week. Speaking of which, I need to go work on my lessons, so I'm heading off. But hopefully I'll be updating more this summer and just blogging in general. :) TaTa for now!


Anonymous said...

I love your picture of the wheat! Harvest will be here soon! I will keep up with your news. I have been praying for you!

Mrs Linda

Emily Bray said...

You are so cute, Lizzie. I love you. I miss your smile and giggles! Praying for wonderful times with Jesus this summer as you mow away :-)