Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mexico News!

Countdown...4 more weeks until our team leaves for Leon Mexico! Oh wow! :D This is the part where it starts getting really exciting. Everyone has made their decisions about whether or not they're going, so our team is settled (unless the Lord changes things). We are about to buy our tickets. We are starting to get a feel for the team dimension - figuring out how we each work and how to build each other up. The skits we'll be using for the street evangelism are going really well, just about all together.

So, just wanted to ask for a couple of prayer requests. This week I'm planning to email the itinerary and more details about the trip, but it would be wonderful if you all would pray for these things in the meantime.

- We need to buy the tickets ASAP, and we need to know what direction the Lord would have us go. Please pray that He will provide just the right tickets, all on the same flight, preferably.

- Please pray that the Lord will provide the rest of the $3500 needed for our team to go down to Mexico.

- Please pray that our team will, as a group of people with diverse personalities and different circles of friends, learn how to relate to each other and serve each other and just get to know each other.

- Pray for wisdom as we, especially Victor and Tom, keep making decisions about the trip.


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