Monday, March 2, 2009

final prep for Mexico

I've been thinking lately about how truth is truth no matter how I feel or what I believe or how I act. God is faithful and good, no matter how He answers our prayers. He is right and just, no matter what He does. I am thankful that He has opened so many doors for our team going to Mexico, but even if He chose to shut them all now, before we even go, He would still be good and faithful and nothing can change that. He IS who He IS regardless of what happens in my life!

Well, we're down to our last week before Mexico! Thanks so much for your prayers and support. The Lord has been providing overtime for our team and we feel overwhelmed at the answers to prayer. In a world that is shaking financially and economically, God has proven to us that He is well able to provide. At this point our team has an extra $1100 above what we planned on needing. We're curious to see if something will happen that we're not expecting that we'll need more money for. But if nothing else, the extra will be given to the believers in Leon and Guanajuato (Gwon-a-whotoe), especially the people whose homes we'll be staying in and the elders of the churches. So thank you for praying and sharing! :)

Some people may be concerned about our safety with Mexico being in the news and all. Just to reassure you - we are flying straight to Leon (with a change of planes in MX City), which is in the middle of the country and away from the violence at the border. It should be quite safe. Of course, the Lord is our protector in any case. :)

Things are coming together well. The Lord provided a van and a driver to get us all to Chicago early this Friday morning. We are performing one of our skits/mimes in student chapel Tuesday morning so the rest of the school can have an idea of what we're doing. Both of those are answers to prayer.

Things to pray for:
- Health of our team - it's a dangerous time of year and several of us haven't been feeling the greatest, flus and coughs, etc
- Continued growth as a team - that we would continue to be unified and build each other up in love
- Boldness as we are in Mexico
- Many opportunities to share the gospel
- Salvation of many people
- Our hearts to be changed
- God's glory to be evident to everyone around
- The churches there to be encouraged to step out and evangelize, too

Updates, Lord willing, and possibly even pictures will be available on our blog: Please, check it out and read about our team and our plans. :) (my profile is on there, on a page of older posts - link at the bottom of the page). Do look it up. :)

Thanks again so much for praying! I'm looking forward to writing you in a couple of weeks when we're back and sharing how much the Lord has done.